Using AR to Bring Dragons to Life
BHBO partnered with Snapchat to promote the “Game of Thrones” spin-off series, “House of the Dragon”.
By utilizing AR, the collaboration created multiple AR Snapchat filters that people could use in order to promote the show and show their excitement for the premiere.
The filters gave audiences the opportunity to project a flying dragon into their surrounding environment, showcasing the show’s most popular creatures.
On top of this, HBO released the House of the Dragon: DracARys app, which is an AR app that allows users to claim a dragon egg from Westeros and raise their very own dragon in our world!

Bringing A Billboard To Life via Airdrop
Netflix’s adaptation of Stephen King’s ‘Mr. Harrigan’s Phone’ included AirDropping images of the billboards to thousands of people as they walked near the advertisement of the movie.
In the Netflix original film ‘Mr. Harrigan’s Phone’, Craig is haunted by cryptic text messages being sent from beyond the grave. To promote the coming-of-age horror movie ahead of its release, why not give would-be viewers a taste of that same feeling?
Those AirDrop requests contained an image of the billboard, urging the recipients to look at the text messages more closely. Adding to the mystery, the requests were labeled as being sent from Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, the fictional location where the eponymous Mr. Harrigan (and his iPhone) is laid to rest in the film.